Saturday, June 30, 2018

Dress for Success

Dear Liberals,

You want to win people over?

Photo courtesy Ridgewood Blog 
Stop dressing like vulvas. (Also, please could everyone learn the difference between vulvas and vaginas?)

Put on a suit. Or dress (ladies only, in this case, please). Or clean khakis. Think "job interview." Leave the pussy hats at home. Am I saying guys can't wear dresses? No. I'm saying Mr. & Mrs. Middle America may just not relate so well to a dude in a dress. Or screeching women marching topless through the streets. If you want to win people over to your POV, you have to be relatable. To them.

Your pink pussy parade is just a huge echo chamber. You are preaching to the choir. Everyone there is already ON board. You are not trying to sell to them. You need to reach those who aren't; the moderates, the undecideds, the middle-grounders. You deride them for not being "woke," but your shrieking and wailing is only giving them nightmares.

Photo: Mark Dixon
Something the Republicans are really, REALLY good at is marketing. Put a human skin on a soulless shrew, add the right accouterments, a good blowout, and people will LISTEN to her. Yes, "it's what's inside that matters..." blah, blah, blah. In reality, Marshall McLuhan was absolutely correct. "The medium IS the message." You can't get your message across if people won't even give the medium a chance. It's Marketing 101: "Know Your Audience"

Oh, and posting yet ANOTHER snarky/whiny "But...but...but...her EMAILSSSS" meme is also not helping your cause. And you are smart enough to know that.

Be relatable. Be approachable. And yes, be civil. And these people just might listen to you.